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Judy Sherman

Sleep better

Rest Up!

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Sleep Better and Feel Refreshed We’ve all been there—lying awake at night, staring at the ceiling, wondering why sleep is so elusive. Poor sleep can sneak up on us for many reasons, including stress, anxiety, irregular schedules, and even our…

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Perfectly Imperfect! Ditch Perfectionism. Embrace Your Flaws Ever find yourself spending hours tweaking a project that was already good enough, or avoiding starting something because it might not turn out perfectly? Perfectionism often rears its head when something is important…

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Self-care stressors

Self-Care Stressors

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Managing Disruptions in Your Peaceful Activities Self-care activities are meant to soothe our souls and calm our minds. But what happens when these activities themselves become sources of stress? For example, a gardener might find their zen-like hobby turning to…

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Away to college

Away to College

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Strategies for a Successful College Experience Going away to college is certainly a significant life transition. It can be a challenging time for young graduates. The idea is often intimidating and the process can be a bit difficult to navigate….

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Learning how to stop

Learning How to Stop

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Re-training the automatic responses of our mind How many of you know what you should do in a moment, but when the moment arrives, you just can’t seem to make that preferred choice? That’s because in the moment, the pre-programmed…

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Summer with the Kids

Summer with the Kids

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Managing Parenthood During the Summer FPC therapist and mom Kaitlyn Kurtovic, MA, LMHC is excited about summertime with her family.   As we hit up the beach and pool with our little ones we hope that children are living their…

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Misunderstandings in relationships

Misunderstandings in Relationships

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Navigating Assumptions in Relationships Misunderstandings in relationships are common, often stemming from unchecked assumptions. These assumptions can lead to disappointment, which is frequently a reflection of our own unmet expectations rather than our partner’s failings.   Consider these points as…

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Finding balance in life

Finding Balance in Life

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Strategies for Work and Fun During Summer As summer begins, many people feel the pressure to make the most of the season. Balancing work and fun during the summer months can be challenging, but it’s essential for maintaining overall well-being….

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